Westgate Women

Westgate Women exists to empower women in all stages of life and experience to identify, and put into action, the unique gifts God has given each of us. Together, we are learning to live every day in fulfillment of our God-given purpose, guided by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the Word of God. Through prayer, studying the Bible, mentorships, group activities, and gatherings like fellowships and conferences, our main aim is to walk together in Knowing God, Being Transformed, and Doing His Work.

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Women's Groups

Coffee & Conversation

Third Saturday of each month, 10am to 12pm

Anderson Room (320)

Come and join us on the third Saturday of every month in the Anderson Room (320) for an hour or two. We will have coffee, flavored teas, and snacks for you to enjoy – all you have to bring is your lovely conversation! The event is free of charge, but we request that you register each month so our bakers can ensure there are plenty of treats for everyone. You are welcome to bring along a friend or two to join us for Coffee & Conversation!

Join C&C Group
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led by Linda Smith and MaryBeth Woll

This is an ongoing group, so woman can join at any time. To do so, go to use the link below to register.
The Widows Project was founded in 2015 to care for the widowed in their distress by creating resources to minister to the widowed. We provide books, videos, a website, Zoom classes, and guest speakers.
If you have questions about connecting, please contact Linda Smith at [email protected].

The Widows Project

Women's Intercessory Prayer

Tuesdays from 6:00-6:55pm, Room 338

Wednesdays from 7-8pm via Zoom

led by Barbara Snow

Scripture is clear on how powerful and important prayer is in the lives of believers! It tells us to “pray without ceasing” and to “bring EVERYTHING to Him in prayer, with thanksgiving.” This women’s group meets together before Tuesday Night Prayer for one hour to pray for whatever is on our hearts. Our community is not limited to Tuesdays! Join us on Zoom every Wednesday, share a time-sensitive request in our group chat, or meet with Barbara one-on-one for individual prayer times.

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Second Friday of each month, 6:30pm

Anderson Room (320)

Led by Amanda Hostetler

Ablaze is a monthly women’s gathering, designed to create a welcoming space for all women of Westgate to come together in worship, be spiritually nourished, and build deep connections with others. It provides space for women to come together to revel in the presence of God in ever-deepening community and to encounter Holy Spirit’s life-changing power. Childcare may be available. Please contact us if needed.

Join Summer Ablaze
ablaze for web

Upcoming Activities

Awaken 2024 Women's Conference

Leadership Team

Westgate Women

Who We Are

We are the women of Westgate Chapel, a diverse group of individuals including wives, mothers, teachers, administrators, and artists. We are dedicated to living our lives according to the teachings of the Lord in a world that often seems chaotic and confusing. We seek to follow His path and embrace the opportunities He has in store for us, both as individuals and as a community of Westgate Women.

We believe that God has given us unique gifts, strength, and courage for this specific moment in history.

Our mission is to create a welcoming environment for everyone. We support and uplift each other through prayer, encouragement, and mentorship, always relying on the guidance of His Word. We enjoy coming together to have fun, engage in prayer and worship, and share laughter while appreciating each other’s individual qualities and interests.

To stay informed about current news and events, join Westgate Women on Realm.

Join Westgate Women
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Contact Us

How to Get Involved

For more information on any of our events, Bible Studies, or how to get connected, please use the contact form.