Get Connected at Westgate

Westgate Chapel is a big church, and we want to help you by making it a bit “smaller”. God is always on the move here and we have many ways for you to get connected and find your community. Below, you will find the different departments and ministries we have at Westgate Chapel. We encourage you to read below, click the links to learn more, and find your community now!

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Many ways to get connected


A Forum On Bible & Culture.

We are living in the days described in Isaiah 5, where good is called evil and evil is called good. And now is the time for the Church of Jesus Christ to raise up in defense of Biblical Truth!

Westgate Chapel hosts a Sunday evening event series where nationally recognized expert voices are brought in to inform and equip the local Christian community on topics where culture and biblical values intersect.

Visit APOLOGIA: Forum


Coming alongside life’s most vulnerable is the heart of ministry for the Chaplains at Westgate Chapel, whether we are traveling across the nation to aid in disaster relief, comforting brothers and sisters in our church body, or reaching into our local community to provide practical help.

Do you have a heart to come alongside those who are hurting and vulnerable? Read more below to find out how you can get involved.

Visit Chaplaincy
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西門教會華語團契( Westgate Chapel, Chinese Fellowship, 簡稱WGCCF),它的前身是成立於1993年的)西雅圖神的教會(Seattle Church Assembly)。成員大部分來自中國大陸,也有些來自香港和台灣地區,我們教會的主要語言是國語。我們愛慕神的話語,並追求在聖靈裡的合一,我們更願與所有傾心愛主的人一同敬拜讚美 (與服事)神。 因著這樣的看見,順著聖靈賜給孫名昌牧師與教會同工們合一的異象,於2021年十月十七與美國多數族裔為主體的西門教會正式合併。讚美神的奇妙,感謝主的預備!這應驗了神早在90年代就給西門教會的一個應許-為了讓福音傳遍地極,得救的人數添滿,而建立萬國教會。西門教會常年定期差派宣教士去世界各地長宣和短宣。教會近十四位牧師中不少都曾經有這樣的宣教經歷。信實的神更為西門教會華語團契預備了一批生在美國,卻心系中華的赴華宣教士,他們效法主耶穌,為了福音與救恩,捨己愛人。不僅帶著自己的孩子們去,而且把那裡的孤兒們帶回來,給他們一個溫暖的家,更培養他們成為福音薪火傳承的新一代。

Visit Chinese Fellowship

Emergency Services

Each week we operate a food and clothing bank for the less fortunate on Thursdays from 11am-2pm at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds. Our heart is to serve the community in several ways. We offer not only food and clothing, but a time for listening to the client’s needs, praying with them and offering other resources both financial and practical.

Visit Emergency Services


Encore, the Senior Adult Ministry at Westgate Chapel, seeks to honor God and facilitate an abundant life in this sometimes-challenging season. We believe that God’s plans and adventures don’t stop because we have reached a certain age. We provide opportunities for those 60 and above to grow spiritually, care for and connect with one another, share gifts and talents, and to have fun! The certain promises of God to His people are that He is always at work in and through us.

Visit Encore
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Family Resources

Marriage and family life is tough, let’s figure it out together. Here at Westgate Chapel, we offer various opportunities for you to learn, grow, and find community on your journey. Explore this page for resources and groups to support you along the way.

Visit Family Resources


Westgate Groups serve as an opportunity to build lasting relationships with God and each other. There are many different types of groups:
• Sermon groups
• Topical groups
• Activity groups
• New Heart groups
• Student groups
• Children groups

Groups are a place for life-on-life connection within the body of Westgate. It is during these times that growth is fostered, lives are transformed, and hope is unleashed. Westgate Groups is the place where “Together We Are.”

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We LOVE kids and firmly believe in the value of ministry to kids and families. Our driving goal is to create safe and fun environments for your kids to experience Jesus and participate in our church-wide mission of Knowing God, Being Transformed, and Doing His Work.

Visit Kids

Men's Events

His vision is our mission. We have been called to glorify God and magnify Jesus in the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit; equipping and supporting men of all ages in their calling through fellowship, prayer, and anointed ministries.

Visit Men’s Events
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Westgate Chapel’s rich history of partnering with the Holy Spirit has led us into God’s mission to reach the least, the last, and the lost. As an outflow of Westgate’s DNA, we have sent individuals, teams, and families out to the nations for over 60 years. We continue to reach the unreached, partner with local believers overseas, and carry the Kingdom to the ends of the earth as we partner with God to build His church in the world.

Jesus is Doing One Thing in the Earth: Building His Church!

Visit Missions
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New Heart

New Heart is an integral part of Westgate Chapel. As such, the ministry embodies and expresses the unswerving commitment to worship, prayer, the word, and the healing presence of the Living God.

God is moving in our church and region in unprecedented ways!

To help you become more acquainted with New Heart and the ministries that are ongoing every month, read more about the ministries offered below.

Visit New Heart

Next Steps

At Westgate Chapel, we believe that together we are knowing God, being transformed, and doing His work! We love and value being a community that continues to grow. If you are a first time visitor, a regular guest, or frequent attender who is ready to move forward in growing your faith and getting into community, check out these next steps!

Visit Next Steps
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Prayer Bands

The stakes couldn’t be higher! God has promised revival for the Pacific Northwest and has invited Westgate Chapel to partner with Him in an expanded prayer ministry to that end. Would you say “yes” to joining a Prayer Band?

Prayer bands run from September through June. Join us in the Sanctuary Lobby at your preferred day and time (listed below) and together, let’s seek God for revival.

Visit Prayer Bands
A person praying at Westgate Chapel, seeking revival for our region.

School of Ministry

We exist to walk alongside men and women who are ready to step into their education and a transformative relationship with Christ. Before the foundation of the world, each person was given a destiny. All were created for His purpose. This purpose requires a process. Our mission is to embrace this process: where each individual is formed to God’s image. Fired. Hammered. Molded. Stretched. Tempered.

Visit School of Ministry
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At Westgate Chapel, serving plays an integral role in the livelihood of the church. Serving is a declaration that we love the people of Westgate, as well as those in our local and global community. By plugging in and doing our part:
• We show people that they have value.
• We fulfill our role as a member of the Westgate family.
• We take ownership in the vision to make God known to our surrounding community.

Use the contact form at the bottom to let us know how you’d like to get involved!

Visit Serve
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Special Connections is a sensory room designed with calming fidgets and quiet spaces where individuals with special needs can connect with others and learn about Jesus.

If you have a loved one with special needs and are looking for a place where your entire family can worship, we’d love for you to visit Westgate Chapel and our Special Connections class.

Visit Special Needs
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Women's Events

Westgate Women exists to empower women in all stages of life and experience to identify, and put into action, the unique gifts God has given each of us. Together, we are learning to live every day in fulfillment of our God-given purpose, guided by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the Word of God. Through prayer, studying the Bible, mentorships, group activities, and gatherings like fellowships and conferences, our main aim is to walk together in Knowing God, Being Transformed, and Doing His Work.

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Our heart cry is, “If Your Presence doesn’t go with us, do not send us up from here.” (Exodus 33:15)

God has called Westgate Worship to bring Him glory through song and the ushering in of His presence. Our hope is for every individual to have an encounter in worship that touches the heart and opens the eyes to the goodness of God. Each time we gather corporately, we pray the will and purposes of Heaven be done in us and in our region. For in His presence true life, joy, and freedom are found

Visit Worship


At Westgate Chapel, we believe that students are not just the church of tomorrow, but the church of today. We are a community that is all about Jesus, committed to each other, and on God’s mission. If you want to know more about who we are check out the info below.

Visit WSM

Young Adults

This is a place for us to come together as a community and learn how to thrive in our walks with Jesus and our relationships with others. Life looks different for each of us, but as a community of Jesus’ followers, we get to walk this journey of discovery together while passionately pursuing Jesus through the power of His Holy Spirit. As we learn to live out a naturally supernatural lifestyle, we desire to become an encounter to the world around us and make an impact on our world for Him.

Visit Young Adults
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A Few Upcoming Activities

Get connected

Looking for more ways to get involved?

If you are looking for the best place to start getting involved, here are two options we highly recommend!

Connect Card

Thank you for joining us

Do you need prayer or have you given your life to Jesus? Are interested in baptism or membership? Or do you simply need to update your information? Please fill out our connect card below!

Click below for more information

Learn more about baptism, membership,  volunteering to serve, or joining a group.