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Please join me in praying some specific payers during this time. God is able and He is still on the Throne! Let’s call on Him together!

• People who struggle with depression, that God would give them peace and they would find joy in this time.
• People with anxiety, that God will give them His peace and rest.
• People awaiting surgeries or procedures that have been delayed, that this will be an opportunity for God’s healing and miracle working power to be made known! That they would experience healing without the surgeries or procedures.
• People with compromised immune systems, autoimmune disorders and breathing/lung issues, for healing and protection for them.
• For the Doctors and nurses that are working so hard for all of us, that God will give them His protection, health, strength, energy, peace and rest. Call them by name if you know them personally.
• The finances for the churches around the world; people can easily give online and continue to tithe in this time.
• People on the Autism spectrum or with other special needs and their families, for them to have peace and flexibility during this time as so many of them strive on routine/schedules.
• The transit/metro drivers, for God’s protection over them from the virus as they are in small spaces with large numbers of people.
• People who do freelance and contract work such as the movie industry, music industry, and construction, that there would be other work they can do in this time using their creativity and gifts.
• Brides and Grooms who do not get to celebrate their love and special day with family and friends in the way that had been planned for a long time.
• For high school seniors and college graduates who don’t get to attend prom, participate in sports and normal school activities, or attend their long-awaited graduations.

Thank you for joining in these prayers.
Brianne Mathews
