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Unfailing Love

By Westgate Women

“Long enough, GOD—You’ve ignored me long enough.
I’ve looked at the back of Your head long enough.
Long enough I’ve carried this ton of trouble, lived with a stomach full of pain.
Long enough my arrogant enemies have looked down their noses at me.
Take a good look at me, GOD, My God; I want to look life in the eye,
So no enemy can get the best of me or laugh when I fall on my face.”

Psalm 13:1-4 (MSG)

Have you ever felt like you have reached the end of your rope? You’ve prayed, and cried, and longed for God to answer for so long, and now you’re just “done” with it all. He’s not listening, He’s not answering, you feel neglected…has He forgotten you?

The first time I read Psalm 13, I was in the middle of one of the worst times in my life. I had prayed and prayed and prayed and was seeing no change in my situation. It felt like God had left me.

Feelings get us in more trouble than we could ever want. The feelings aren’t the problem. God gave us those feelings; anger, love, care, sorrow… God felt those feelings and we are created in His image so it’s natural that we have those feelings as well. But, although we are created in His image, our feelings are affected by our sinful nature. We can’t trust our feelings or live our lives ruled by those feelings.

“Feelings…nothing more than feelings…”
(isn’t that a song?).

One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 49:16, “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.” We are never out of His sight or out of His thoughts.

David felt forgotten when he wrote this “Psalm of Transition”. But he was wise enough to know that though his feelings were powerful, they weren’t reality.

But what I love about this Psalm, is David is real about his feelings. As the Message puts it, “Long enough God – You’ve ignored me long enough!” When I first read that I thought, “Whoa…David, that’s pretty strong!” But it wasn’t as if God didn’t already know what David was thinking. This Psalm is a wonderful example of letting God know your frustrations and fears, even sometimes your anger because God is fully aware of them anyway.

But here’s the beautiful thing…David ends it by remembering all God has done for him and brought him through.

“But I trust in Your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in Your salvation.
I will sing the LORD’s praise,
for He has been good to me.”
Psalm 13:5-6 (NIV)

Oh, He’s so faithful! He will always answer, but in His time. When I was a young girl growing up in Texas, I had a pastor who said, “God is never late…but He’s rarely early.” He’s always right on time!

Be patient, hold onto His Word and His promises. He’s got the answer and it’s on the way. In the meantime…rejoice! For He has been good to you!



The Blessing….

By Westgate Women

“May the Lord bless you
And protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
And be gracious to you
May the Lord show you His favor
And give you His peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

I was reading Numbers 6 this morning in my daily quiet time and as I read this verse, the song by Kari Jobe automatically began to play in my head. I had my commentary in hand and began reading some of the notes made from Bible scholars, and a few things really jumped out at me.

I think the first thing to remember is that ALL blessing comes from God; without His blessing, nothing really works right. Blessing is not just about a life full of happiness, comfort, wealth and ease. We often settle for those things when God wants us to be BLESSED! His blessing always has our highest and greatest good in mind…higher than any wealth or happiness or comfort can bring to our lives.

But what are these blessings? What do they mean and bring into our lives?

“May the Lord bless you and KEEP you”
Being kept by God insures us life, peace and success. Not success as the world may see it, but success in all we put our hands to do in obedience to our King.

“May the Lord smile on you”
Having God smile on you is the greatest gift we can have; knowing He is pleased not because of what you have done, or who you are, but because you are His in Jesus.

“and be gracious to you”
God showing tender mercy and care for His people.

“May the Lord show you His favor”
Some translations say
“lift up His countenance upon you”

His loving attention on the believer. He pays attention to you! He answers your prayers! You can be sure that He will deliver you from all your troubles; deliver you from all of your enemies.

“and give you His peace”
He gives you PEACE – shalom is more than an end to aggression; this is God’s word for wholeness and goodness and total satisfaction in life. This is the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10.

The second thing to notice is that His name, “Lord” was said three times – while this is not proof of Trinity, it seems to speak of the completeness of God.

God the Father – blesses and keeps His children.
God the Son makes God’s face to shine on us and give us grace.
God the Spirit communicates God’s attention to us, and gives us peace.
It seems to emphasize the God of Israel is the source of grace, blessing, hope, and peace.

But the thing that spoke to me the strongest was in these three verses He says “you” six times!
Bless YOU
Protect YOU
Smile on YOU
Gracious to YOU
Show YOU favor
Give YOU peace

We often feel, or believe that God wants to bless someone else. But He wants to bless YOU! He wants to bless ME! Spurgeon relayed it this way:

“The Lord bless thee”,
“Oh! But I don’t deserve it!”
Just so, but …
“The Lord bless thee”,
“I am so unworthy; I am so backsliding.”
Yes, but the Lord Jesus Christ knows all, covers all.

So, Spurgeon instructs us to hear it as God means it; a blessing for you!

“The Lord bless you… you, and keep you;
the Lord make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious unto you:
the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
and give you peace.”

Oh, to have that molded and hammered, shaped and engraved into our hearts!

God wants to bless ALL people; not just the ones set apart for His service or called to ministry. He wants to bless ALL of us! And as He blesses us, we must receive it by faith like Jacob who would “not let go until You bless me!” (Genesis 32:26)

Do we want that?
Do we ask for or insist on that?
When was the last time you said to God, “I won’t let go of You until You bless me!”?
Because … He will!

“For I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

“When God says, ‘I will’,
all the devils in hell cannot turn aside the blessing
and all the ages of eternity
cannot change the King’s word.”


The Blessing (Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe)

‘Lena Ehlert

Two Men and Three Little Pigs…

By Westgate Women

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.” (Matthew 7:24-25)

Once there were two men who needed a house for their family. They both decided to use the same blueprint, the same floor plan. They also had chosen to use the same materials to build these houses. They were going to be identical.

The one man chose a piece of land that had a mass of rock on it. He decided that this would be a good place to build his house, for the building materials he had were of good quality, and the foundation would be firm and able to withstand any storm that would come against it.

The other man chose a piece of land closer to the shore; the ground there was soft and sandy. But he knew that the building materials he had chosen were the same as the other man and therefore, should be able to withstand any storm that would come against it as well.

So, the two men built their houses, one on the rock and one on the sand. They were fine houses, built with good strong cypress wood, solid secure roofs that would keep the rains from seeping through, double paned windows to keep out the cold wind. They were pleased with what they had built and so they moved their families into their new homes.

Then…a storm came. The winds blew, the rains fell, the floods rose! It was a massive storm, but the men weren’t concerned because their houses were built so well. The man who built his house on the rock gathered his family around the table and they gave thanks for the house that was protecting them from this massive storm.

But the man who built his house on the sand could feel his house shifting. Oh, the walls were solid and the roof wasn’t leaking…but there was definitely a change in the feel of the house. The walls were creaking and the roof began to break. Suddenly, the ground slid from beneath the house and it fell to the ground in a giant heap. The man was confused because he had built his house exactly as the other man, with the exact specifications and materials. But his house had collapsed into a heap; while the man’s, who had built his house on the rock, was standing solid and firm.

The story is familiar to you, I’m sure. Most of us know the story of the wise man and the foolish man, both of whom built houses (Matthew 7:24-27).

This story came to mind last Friday during our prayer band. I had worship songs playing in the back ground as we prayed, and when we had finished praying, we joined into worship with the song that was playing:

I will build my life upon this rock
It is a firm foundation
I will put my Trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken.*

For some reason, as we were singing, the story of the Three Little Pigs came to my mind. God often speaks to me through music, but this struck me as a little odd. Really, God? The Three Little Pigs?

When my oldest son was about two years old, this was his favorite story. We had a little board book and he wanted us to read it every night at bedtime. We read it so often that not only had my husband and I memorized it, but Matthew had as well.

Let’s refresh our memories.

Three little pigs were sent out into the world by their mother. It was time for them to go out on their own. So, they left their childhood home and headed out to build their own houses. They all found some good solid ground on which to build their houses, and they all agreed on the same blueprints and decided to build identical houses…but they didn’t use the same materials.

The first little pig was a bit lazy you see, and wanted his house to be up in a hurry so he could sit back and relax. So, he found some straw and hay and threw up a house in an afternoon.

The second little pig, while not quite as lazy as the first, also wanted to get his house built quickly. So, with the same blueprint in hand, he began to build his own house. But he didn’t choose quality materials either. He decided to gather some sticks and tie them together to build his house. It took a couple of days, but soon he was sitting inside with his feet up, relaxing with a good book.

The third little pig, however, was very industrious. He took his time gather bricks and mortar, high quality materials, and built an identical house as the others. But his house with had double paned windows, brick walls, and a beautiful fireplace made from stone. And though it took much longer, he finally finished his house made of brick. He went into his house, put up his feet and enjoyed the comfort of his home.

Well, we all know that there is a big bad wolf who is hungry for pork. He finds the first little pig sitting in his house made of straw and with one little puff, blows it down…no effort at all.

That little pig runs to his brother’s house who had built his house of sticks; but the wolf follows. It may have taken two puffs, but this house is no trouble to blow down either.

Now, these two run to the final pig’s house who lets them in shutting and locking the door behind them. When the wolf comes along and threatens to blow this house down…well, this house…this house was not only built on a firm foundation, but built with materials strong enough to withstand the enemy attack. This house stood firm. This house saved these little pigs from certain death and destruction.

Do you see it yet?

Jesus, our solid rock, gives us a firm foundation on which to build. But we need more than just a strong foundation. Because there really is a “big bad wolf” out their ready to devour us at the first chance he gets. And we need to know how to stand against him and defeat him.

Paul told the Ephesians that we are to stand firm against the strategies of the devil (Ephesians 6). And then he told us what we need in order to do so.

• A belt of Truth – God’s Truth, not ours.
• A breastplate of righteousness – His righteousness, not ours.
• Feed shod with the gospel of peace – His peace, not peace the world gives.
• A shield of faith – Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, not faith in ourselves.
• A helmet of salvation – Salvation received only through the blood of Jesus.
• A sword…the Word of God – The right word at the right moment to stop the enemy in his tracks.
• Prayer – constant communication with the Father.

Do you see it yet?

The firm foundation does no good if we don’t build on it. It requires more than just a belief in God to withstand the enemy.

The firm foundation does no good if we just go to church. We can play the part of a Christian, but not have the foundation to withstand the enemy when the storms come.

But that firm foundation, that solid Rock foundation, built with a deep devotion to God, a personal relationship with Jesus, the guidance of Holy Spirit AND the armor of God…that can withstand any storm, any difficulties, anything the enemy throws at us. Not only can we stand strong and safe in His shelter, we can draw others in and shelter them as well.

What’s your foundation?
What are your building materials?

Do you see it now?

‘Lena Ehlert

Build My Life
Pat Barrett, 2018

The Alabaster Jar

By Westgate Women

Six days before the Passover began, Jesus went back to Bethany, the town where he raised Lazarus from the dead. They had prepared a supper for Jesus. Martha served, and Lazarus and Mary were among those at the table. Mary picked up an alabaster jar filled with nearly a liter of extremely rare and costly perfume—the purest extract of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet. Then she wiped them dry with her long hair. And the fragrance of the costly oil filled the house. But Judas … the betrayer, spoke up and said, “What a waste! We could have sold this perfume for a fortune and given the money to the poor!”……Jesus said to Judas, “Leave her alone! She has saved it for the time of my burial. John 12:1-7

As I began to prepare for the Awaken: Women in Worship night, the Lord led me to the story of Mary and her alabaster box. Her action that night was from a place of total love and devotion to Jesus. And to fully realize the depth and impact of Mary’s action, we need to look at the significance of that box and what it contained.

The alabaster box was made of a hard marble stone which was very difficult to break open. It was designed to be opened only once, by breaking the box itself. It required intentionality.

The alabaster box was filled with a precious, perfumed ointment called nard … a sweet-smelling ointment from a plant in India, carried over land to the Middle East. Scripture says it cost more than a year’s wages…that would have been thousands of dollars to us. It was costly!

Its value was not only because of the cost, but because of how it was used. Scholars tell us that a young girl would be given this box by her family when she reached marrying age. Then, she would give it to her husband as a sign of her commitment and devotion to him. In a sense it was her inheritance, a type of dowry. It was also a common practice among the Jews to prepare a body for burial with this fragrant ointment…no one in that room but Jesus knew what would take place within a week.

Mary had no idea that she was prophetically preparing Jesus for his burial.

Imagine the scene with me:

The table is laden with food and surrounded by her brother, Lazarus, the twelve disciples, and Jesus. Martha is probably in the kitchen doing what Martha did so well.

Mary, overwhelmed by her love for Jesus, takes the one thing that she owns that has any value, any worth, and once again she comes and sits at Jesus’ feet.

She takes down her hair, laying aside her traditions, her pride, her own glory, and takes the place of a servant at His feet. Weeping, she forcefully breaks open her alabaster box filled with this rare, fragrant, precious oil. Immediately the sweet fragrance fills the room…fills the entire house! She pours it on His feet. And then, kneeling there, she begins to wipe His feet with her hair.

I wonder what the immediate response was…I can imagine at first a shocked silence … before Judas speaks up. What did Lazarus and Martha think of her action? Did they understand her actions…her motivation? It’s possible that this alabaster box was her inheritance…and she just poured it out on Jesus’ feet.

But Mary was acting out of her intense love and devotion to Jesus – this was her act of worship!

True, Pure, Intentional worship.

And Judas called it a waste…

Matthew 26:13 records Jesus saying, “wherever the gospel is preached, this story will be told.” Why?

I believe Mary’s story is an example to us that true worship… in response to all Jesus has done for us…is costly, it may go against our traditions, it will cause us to lay down our pride. It’s intentional!

It is NOT…a waste!

My study Bible noted that as Mary wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair, the fragrance, blessing and sweetness were transferred back onto her own head…Jesus responds to our worship. He meets us there!

As you consider Mary’s story of giving her most valued treasure in response to Jesus, ask yourself…

“How do I respond to the One who gave His life for me?”


A New Normal

By Westgate Women

For weeks I have heard people saying “ I just can’t wait for things to be back to normal.” I remember even saying that a few times myself. But as I’ve thought about our current situation I have realized how much I don’t want things to go back to the way they were. Here are a few of my thoughts…

1. I pray that the next time a friend grabs me and pulls me in for a hug, I actually take the time to appreciate the gift of their embrace.

2. I pray that when school resumes and I’m dropping my child off, I take the time to thank the staff for the amazing gift that they give to our family.

3. I pray that the next time I’m sitting in a crowded restaurant I take the time to look around at the smiling faces, loud voices and thank God for the gift of community.

4. I pray that the next time I’m standing in church listening to the voices of praise and taking communion that I take a moment to thank God for the gift of congregation.

5. I pray that the next time I see a person or situation that needs prayer, I hope I pray as passionately and fervently as I have these past few weeks.

6. I pray that when I am at the grocery store that I take a moment to thank God that He provides us with the necessities of life and the amazing people who work so hard to keep us supplied.

7. I pray that I never again take for granted the ability to hop in the car and visit a friend, go to the mall, take my kids to a movie, etc.

So, truth is, I don’t want things to return to the way they once were. I pray that we take the lessons and challenges of the past few weeks and create a new normal. My goal is to pray more, love harder, and truly appreciate the daily abundance of blessings that were so easily overlooked just a mere few weeks ago.

Michelle Forehand-Chace

Praying Together…

By Westgate Women

Please join me in praying some specific payers during this time. God is able and He is still on the Throne! Let’s call on Him together!

• People who struggle with depression, that God would give them peace and they would find joy in this time.
• People with anxiety, that God will give them His peace and rest.
• People awaiting surgeries or procedures that have been delayed, that this will be an opportunity for God’s healing and miracle working power to be made known! That they would experience healing without the surgeries or procedures.
• People with compromised immune systems, autoimmune disorders and breathing/lung issues, for healing and protection for them.
• For the Doctors and nurses that are working so hard for all of us, that God will give them His protection, health, strength, energy, peace and rest. Call them by name if you know them personally.
• The finances for the churches around the world; people can easily give online and continue to tithe in this time.
• People on the Autism spectrum or with other special needs and their families, for them to have peace and flexibility during this time as so many of them strive on routine/schedules.
• The transit/metro drivers, for God’s protection over them from the virus as they are in small spaces with large numbers of people.
• People who do freelance and contract work such as the movie industry, music industry, and construction, that there would be other work they can do in this time using their creativity and gifts.
• Brides and Grooms who do not get to celebrate their love and special day with family and friends in the way that had been planned for a long time.
• For high school seniors and college graduates who don’t get to attend prom, participate in sports and normal school activities, or attend their long-awaited graduations.

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By Westgate Women

A long time ago, in a place far, far away…..

Well, not really. It was a long time ago, but not so far away.

The year was 1997-ish. I was working alongside Pastor Rita in the worship department, right after a year filled with heartbreak, loss, and grief. I think she would agree with me that we were all just trying to keep things together. During that time, she was given a gift of a small cube that looked like a box crate with an on/off switch on the bottom.

When you turned it on, the box would shake and bounce around on the table and a voice would say:

Excuse me…
Excuse Me…

Can you relate?

These past few weeks have been a challenge for all of us. Some have been affected by this virus, either themselves physically or have lost loved ones. Some have been challenged by the “social-distancing,” desperately missing that physical contact with others. Then there are those who, as introverts, enjoyed the first couple of weeks, sitting back and relaxing with a good book, a good movie and lots (and lots) of comfort food. But now, we just want someone to let us out!!

We know that, for many of you, this time of social distancing is hard. You may be living alone and desperately missing contact with others. You may be a single mom trying to work, homeschool your children, pay bills and keep it all together. You may have suffered a loss of income due to cutbacks. You may have your husband home from work and he’s messing with your normal routine (Can I get an Amen?).

We want to help you stay connected during this time of distancing from one another.

• Many home groups are meeting via Zoom each week. This is a great way to see faces, hear voices, laugh together, cry together, pray together and study God’s Word together.

• We would also encourage you to take five minutes a day and make a phone call to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Many are craving the sound of someone’s voice.

• As the Westgate Women Leadership Team, we want to let you know we are here for you. You can contact us at You can post on the Westgate Women Facebook or Instagram page. If you need prayer, please send us a message on any of those forums. If you need voice contact, email us your phone number and we will give you a call.

• We are also committed to posting on Facebook, Instagram and our Westgate Women blog encouragement, scripture and devotions. And we encourage you to add your thoughts and comments on our page as well. Let us know how you are finding creative ways to get through your day, post pictures of your family in the good and the not so good. Spread joy and encouragement!

We are here for one another. We are praying for you!

May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children.

May His presence go before you
And behind you, and beside you
All around you, and within you
He is with you, He is with you.

In the morning, and the evening
In your coming and your going
In your weeping, and rejoicing
He is for you, He is for you!
(Numbers 6:24-26)

‘Lena Ehlert
Westgate Women Leadership Team

Resolution or Surrender?

By Westgate Women

The beginning of a new year always brings conversations about “resolutions”. I don’t know about you, but I don’t do well following through on resolutions. The word resolution means “determination”. That makes me think of “I can do this” … a me mentality. But we know we can do nothing in our own strength. There are some things and situations that I am struggling with that I definitely need the strength of the Spirit to help me do, complete, conquer. A better word for me is surrender.

New Year’s Resolutions tend to begin…

“I will…do a better job with my Finances”
“I will…work harder on my Marriage”
“I will…begin a diet and lose weight”
“I will…start a new project”
“I will…complete an old project”
“I will…begin a daily devotion”
“I will…read through the Bible”

All of these are great goals, but they all begin with “I”.

Surrender…I believe that is the key. But it isn’t always easy.

Many years ago, the Lord gave me a picture while I was in prayer. I was asking Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us; be our eyes and ears, guard our lips, and protect us from the enemy when He showed me a picture of a really tough piece of meat. You know the kind… full of fibers that make the meat hard to chew and difficult to swallow. Along with that piece of meat was a big metal meat cleaver being used to pound out and flatten the meat, breaking up the tough fibers to loosen up the meat. Then it was put into a marinade to aid in the tenderizing process.

I felt the Lord telling me that often the process of surrendering is difficult. We have held onto things for so long that we have become hardened. For me, I have always had an “I can do this” mentality, and have difficulty giving situations over the Him.

There is an old song written by Geron Davis, I believe, that says:

Holy Spirit, come and fill us
Touch us, change us, rearrange us
Heal us, free us
Lord, we seek Your face.

Wash us, cleanse us
Please forgive us
Mold us, make us
Come and shake us
Lord, let Your glory fill this place.

Some of those things may be a little uncomfortable, a little painful…changing, rearranging, molding, shaking. These will change our composition, so to speak. A little like breaking up the fibers in a tough piece of meat. But when He’s finished, He will cover us with the glory of His sweet presence, a healing balm, to aid in the tenderizing process and bring healing.

What are you struggling with or holding onto that needs to be surrendered to Him?

Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”

Rather than begin 2020 with a New Year’s Resolution that begins, “I will…” ask the Lord what He would have you surrender to Him in this new season and begin 2020 with, “Lord, I give You…” As you do, it may be uncomfortable, it may be a little painful, but recognize the work of Holy Spirit and be thankful…His healing balm is right behind it!

Happy New Year!

Someday Heaven

By Westgate Women

A few weeks ago, a precious woman of God went home to be with Jesus. Saturday at her memorial service, they handed out a card with a poem she had written. We felt it would be a fitting tribute from Westgate Women to share it here:

Someday Heaven

One day this world I’ll no more roam
For my Heavenly Father will come carry me home
No tears no trials no grief to bear
Only joy and peace and kindness there
All friends and loved ones that have served Him well
Will meet in the throne room bidding farewell
We’ll see those streets all paved of gold
With the glorious Heavenly Father as we were told
No memories of this life will be had up there
For there will be no grief or pain to bear
No weak or sick bodies not a broken limb
A perfect existence because of Him
I long for the music the flowers the love
I’ve heard wonderful stories of what waits above
But even that day as dear to my heart
I’m finishing my job here before I depart
For the harvest of life is needful indeed
Workers and prayers have the spiritual hungry to feed
For the Father has prepared a vast heavenly home
Willing none here would perish no be alone
For there’s a choosing a destiny a plan we’ve been given
Only through the Lamb of God can we be forgiven
He will lead you guide you and show you the way
If you seek Him with your heart and yield to what He’ll say
A husband to the widow an orphan’s dad
The savior the healer the most faithful friend ones had
So be willing and thankful taking each day with grace
Stand tall in your calling determined to finish your race

~Linda Danielson~

Can’t you just hear Linda reading this? We will miss this powerful voice speaking out declarations of encouragement and exhortation, and watching her dance before her Lord in the altar. But she is praising Him face to face and dancing before His throne today.

We love you, Linda!

Healing in His Wings…

By Westgate Women

She was sick.
She was exhausted.
She had spent all she had.
And still, she was sick.

She had been to all the physicians
In the city…in the region.
They had given her herbs,
and medicines,
and treatments…
And still, she was sick.

It took all the strength she had
Just to get out of bed in the morning.
But as the woman of the house
She had duties to fulfill.
Food to purchase, meals to prepare.
Clothes to wash and mend.
And still, she was sick.

Society didn’t want her in their midst.
She was considered unclean.
Friends shunned her.
She was alone.
She was broke.
And still, she was sick.

She went to the marketplace late in the day
When there weren’t as many people around.
Though no one spoke to her
She listened.
She heard stories.
Stories of a Man.

The man who lived down the road had been blind
But now he could see.
The little girl had been sick and died
Now she was sitting at the table with her parents eating supper.
Ten men had been living in the leper colony.
Now they were now clean
Reunited with their families once again.

Maybe…just maybe…
There was hope for her.

It was said He would be in the town the next day.
She wrapped her cloak around her and went out early.
The streets were crowded.
So many people.
And she knew…
In her unclean state…
She would be unwelcome.

But she had to try…
If all she had heard was true
This Man was powerful.
This was her last and only hope.
She had to get to Jesus!

She slips through the crowd,
Weaving and inching her way closer.
Not wanting to be noticed,
She moves stealthily.
So many people pressing in around Him.
How would she ever get close enough to talk to Him?
Maybe…if she can just touch Him
Maybe…that will be enough.

As He pauses to speak with someone,
She crouches down
Slips her hand through the crowd
Stretching and reaching as far as she can
Her fingers just brushing the fringe of his robe.

Instantly, Jesus turns around and says,
“Who touched me?”

Startled, frightened, still crouched,
She stays silent.
Maybe no one would notice her.

The men around Him said,
“Master, everyone is touching you;
The crowds are so thick!”

But the Man said,
“Yes, but I felt power surge through me.
Someone touched me to be healed,
And they received their healing.”

Realizing she could hide no longer
She approaches and falls at His feet.

“I was desperate to touch you, Jesus,
For I knew if I could just touch You…
Even the fringe of your robe…
I would be healed.”

Jesus responds,
“Beloved daughter, your faith in me
Has released your healing.
You may go with my peace.”
(Luke 8:43-48)

Scholars tell us
the “hem” of Jesus’ garment
Was actually the tassels
of a prayer shawl
Called “wings”.

“The sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in His wings,
and you shall go forth with joy…”

(Malachi 4:2)

She touched the hem of His garment,
And the healing in His wings made her whole.
And oh, how her life changed!

The joy!

She was no longer sick.
Her body was made whole.
She was no longer unclean.
Her relationships were restored.
No longer shunned and avoided.
She could go out with her head held up.
She was complete.

Where do you need healing today?

Jesus is here.

The sickness, the brokenness
The fear, the shame, the loneliness
The weariness, the disappointments

All can be erased
All can be restored
Hope can be found.
Healing can be found.
Restoration can be found.

The only thing this woman could reach
Was the hem of His garment.
The tassels on the shawl.
The Wings…
And that was enough
To bring her healing.

Have faith!
Take hope!
Grab onto Jesus!
With both hands!
And don’t let go!

Let the healing come!

‘Lena Ehlert