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A long time ago, in a place far, far away…..

Well, not really. It was a long time ago, but not so far away.

The year was 1997-ish. I was working alongside Pastor Rita in the worship department, right after a year filled with heartbreak, loss, and grief. I think she would agree with me that we were all just trying to keep things together. During that time, she was given a gift of a small cube that looked like a box crate with an on/off switch on the bottom.

When you turned it on, the box would shake and bounce around on the table and a voice would say:

Excuse me…
Excuse Me…

Can you relate?

These past few weeks have been a challenge for all of us. Some have been affected by this virus, either themselves physically or have lost loved ones. Some have been challenged by the “social-distancing,” desperately missing that physical contact with others. Then there are those who, as introverts, enjoyed the first couple of weeks, sitting back and relaxing with a good book, a good movie and lots (and lots) of comfort food. But now, we just want someone to let us out!!

We know that, for many of you, this time of social distancing is hard. You may be living alone and desperately missing contact with others. You may be a single mom trying to work, homeschool your children, pay bills and keep it all together. You may have suffered a loss of income due to cutbacks. You may have your husband home from work and he’s messing with your normal routine (Can I get an Amen?).

We want to help you stay connected during this time of distancing from one another.

• Many home groups are meeting via Zoom each week. This is a great way to see faces, hear voices, laugh together, cry together, pray together and study God’s Word together.

• We would also encourage you to take five minutes a day and make a phone call to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Many are craving the sound of someone’s voice.

• As the Westgate Women Leadership Team, we want to let you know we are here for you. You can contact us at You can post on the Westgate Women Facebook or Instagram page. If you need prayer, please send us a message on any of those forums. If you need voice contact, email us your phone number and we will give you a call.

• We are also committed to posting on Facebook, Instagram and our Westgate Women blog encouragement, scripture and devotions. And we encourage you to add your thoughts and comments on our page as well. Let us know how you are finding creative ways to get through your day, post pictures of your family in the good and the not so good. Spread joy and encouragement!

We are here for one another. We are praying for you!

May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children, and their children.

May His presence go before you
And behind you, and beside you
All around you, and within you
He is with you, He is with you.

In the morning, and the evening
In your coming and your going
In your weeping, and rejoicing
He is for you, He is for you!
(Numbers 6:24-26)

‘Lena Ehlert
Westgate Women Leadership Team

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Kerri McGillicuddy says:

    Amen 🙏 Lena awesome stuff

  • Dia Bock says:

    Thank you so much … I needed that! ❤
    The phone calls are something I should have been doing all along but wasn’t of course … not enough time! Well I thought to call an elderly friend of mine last week. (Thought or was prompted by the Holy Spirit???) We talked a long time & no small talk. Toward the end she offered to pray for me. I was amazed & had never heard so much worship in a personal prayer. I could hear she was in tears praying, “Oh my beautiful Savior … we adore you … we praise your Holy Name! Pour out your precious Holy Spirit on my dear friend … ” Every word of her prayer was Spirit filled!!!
    Friends, I learned so well that day, we have no idea what God wants to do through us by making just that one phone call.
    Be blessed & stay safe dear friends! ❤ Love, Dia Bock